Wee Friends, Wee Friends, Mighty Mighty Wee Friends

On the way to the farm today, the older preschoolers and I had a lengthy discussion about the difference between being a “best buddy” and having lots of friends that you choose to be around for different types of play.   We decided that we could call all our friends “Wee Friends”!   After that, the kids thought we should have a song about our Wee Friends.  With the combined musical genious of Laurie (great job on the lyrics!) and Paulina, we now have our  WF Song (click here to see a short video of the song).  This is my first attempt to post a video, so give me feedback on how it works for you.  Also, I’ll try to have a steadier hand on the next one but I am just getting used to the video on my new iphone 4.  (Bought just so I can start sharing short videos with you, or so I tell myself:)

3 thoughts on “Wee Friends, Wee Friends, Mighty Mighty Wee Friends

  1. Great job. I bet the parents are really going to enjoy these blogs 😉 gotta love technology 😉

  2. Got the video to work…Laurie and Paulina are awesome! Kai was singing the new WF song for us today when we got home!

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