We examined the frog eggs that Kaitlyn collected at the farm. (As a sidebar here, I found the waterbottle filled with frog eggs on my kitchen counter. The note my daughter attached to the waterbottle said, “Frog eggs 4 WF. Don’t Drink!!!”. It doesn’t get any funnier than that!) We looked at books about frogs and compared the pictures to the eggs we have. F.3.9 Observe and explore a variety of live plants and animals. F.3.11 Identify plants and animals as living things.
All of the individual parts of our classroom pirate flag were finished so several of the kids worked cooperatively at sewing them onto the big flag.
The new Trios Pirate Ship arrived yesterday. Several parents saw me trying to put the silly ships together since they came in about 100 “easy to assemble” pieces! It was worth the work since the ships caught the interest and creativity of the children all morning long.
The Trios Pirate Ship has a cannon and a cannonball that shoots out of it. I realized before I added this toy to our play, that the cannonball was quite forcefully projected when fired! The kids were disappointed that I didn’t include the cannonball so we did some cannonball testing. We set up the tape measure and each interested child fired cannonballs from the two ships to see how far they would go. Some of the cannonballs went as far as 9½ feet, which told me my decision to keep the cannonballs up was probably the right one! F.2.9 Make guesses related to quantity. F.1.16 Rote count to ten. F.1.19 Identify the next number in a series of numbers up to ten. F.5.6 Use common measuring tools in co
rrect context.F.4.4 Participate in discussions related to their findings. F.4.5 Use charts, drawings, and/or graphs to share their findings with others.
Taco has been getting acquainted with the kids. He’s very calm and the kids have been enjoying holding him! F.3.10 Take care of familiar plants and animals.