This week at WeeWee!

WOW!  We had an action-packed week at Wee Wee!  We did some sponge painting with circles.  We used several spring colors and they looked beautiful!  We counted each circle as we painted, and learned some colors along the way.  Who ever knew learning math could be so much fun?!

Outside play was spent as firefighters!  We wore firefighter hats and costumes, and put out fires in our new play house out back.  Engine 59 and crew were sure busy responding to their calls of using their imaginations and creativity along the way!  Some of our wee wees have taken upon mastering the art of riding tricycles, working hard almost everyday at figuring out how use their little feet to push the pedals.

We played with our indoor sand and oatmeal tubs and used our wooden hammers to pound golf tees into some styrofoam.

Curious?  Curious George that is!!  What a fun matching game of shapes, colors, and learning our zoo animals.  This kept us busy for quite some time.

As  Finn counted down the days for the grand opening of the zoo, we have been reading “Birthday at the Zoo” and acting our own zoo birthday party with our stuffed animals. As we play birthday party we talk about what do we need for the party and set up our table with the necessary elements. We count candles and talk about growing “GETTING OLDER” 🙂 We also sang Happy Birthday in English and Spanish!

Wake up earth, hello spring!  We are so glad to be able to spend more time outside!

Thank you for the wonderful gift of your child!