WF Daily Explorations, Friday 4.8.11

Please save your empty cereal boxes for us! We have another pirate project under our sleeve!

This morning we turned a Tupperware ‘lazy susan’ into a pirate’s compass. We found different pictures of compasses and added letters to represent North, South, East and West. Friends spun the compass and guessed which direction it would land on. Some friends found the direction on a map we taped to the table. Others guessed which Wee Friends names started with an N, S, E or W F.6.4 Make simple cause/effect predictions F.2.4 Apply previously learned information to new situations.

Many friends measured, mixed and kneaded salt dough with the intention of creating pirate coins. As friends began making coins, they expressed how tricky it was because the dough was thin and hard to work with. This led to a conversation/comparison of thick/thin and large/small circles. Some of the older friends combed the environment to find different sized circles. They then connected the previous compass study into the dough by creating compasses. F.5.6 Use common measuring tools in correct context. F.2.3 Compare and contrast own creations and those of others.

Have a terrific weekend!