WWF Daily Explorations, 4.15.11

Today WWFs worked on sorting buttons by attributes (colors and shapes). Using their individual rugs to define their space and to help them work without being interrupted, children lined up their buttons in rows according to the attribute they chose. They also counted them.

Some children chose to work with playdough and practice making candles (work that we started departing from our reading aloud “Birthday Zoo”) and singing happy birthday. We have also linked our playdough time to “Patty Cake” making little buns and patting and pricking as we chant this rhyme. Finn has specially enjoyed making the playdough look like mud and getting animals and trains stuck in it.

This week we have added bubbles and color to our water play. Children have especially enjoyed this, feeling excited and curious. We have also added opportunities for them to learn to squeeze water off of cloth rugs. This a sophisticated skill to learn for 2 year olds and they specially enjoy it. We have broken this activity into the following steps:

1.Fold the cloth into a rectangle
2. hold it with two hands, one next to the other
3. sqeeze in opposite directions

Our WWFs finally seem to be old enough for larger group story times to become part of our daily routine. Before this, reading had been done mostly to 1-3 children with a teachuer. We are using individual rugs to help them with identifying their own sitting space and learning to listen to the story without interrupting or distracting their friends.

We can also officially say that for most of our WWF sippy cups are a thing from the past. And they are VERY proud! (all that pouring work is paying off :)).

5 thoughts on “WWF Daily Explorations, 4.15.11

  1. Thanks! This new blog is so full of wonderful news and things for us parents to be SO proud, of course of our children but of WWF as well! I miss you so badly already!

  2. These blog posts are wonderful.! Has been great to be able to ask Finn more about his day. And we’re learning things for home too. We better get rid of the sippy!!!

    Thanks again!

  3. Thanks again for keeping us updated on your days. This is a great way to make us feel so much more a part of our children’s experiences when we can’t be there with them. The picture of Marta is wonderful, will there be an opportunity for getting copies of the pictures you take during the year?

    • Pamina,
      You can order pictures from flickr, but you have to be one of my flickr contacts to do that. I’ve been told you can download full sized photos there too. I will invite you as a flickr friend so that you don’t have to use guest passes, but you do have to have a Yahoo account (I think) to be on flickr. I also can load up a 4MB or larger thumb drive with all the WWF pics taken this year. (I leave it to parents to sort through to find the pic they want.) I’m so glad everyone is enjoying the blog!

  4. Thank you for all the great feedback! I am so glad this is being helpful to you. All of these pictures will be uploaded to the flickr site. And I think you are able to order prints from there.

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