WF Daily Explorations Monday 4.18.11

For this rainy, cold spring day (insert pirate “arrrgggg!!!!!”) we pulled out the shadow puppet theatre. Using large plush flowers, plastic leaves and music to inspire ‘growing’ we experimented with shadow and light. We made flowers and leaves burst from the soil, we blew in the wind, and got wet with rainfall. We also hopped onto the WF Bus singing our alphabet version of “Wheels on the Bus”. F.1.16 Identify first letter of own name. F.1.2 Interact with and explore a variety of objects, and materials.

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Since we couldn’t go outside, we went on a Searching for Spring Hunt around the classroom, identifying things that are growing or alive. It was interesting to learn how much our friends know about the four seasons, spring, in particular. We used tally marks when counting found items. We will continue this study as we move into gardening and summertime! F.2.1 Participate in activities related to number sequencing and counting.

Play dough art and housekeeping were the other main areas of interest today. Several toddlers played house identifying the mom, baby and other family relationships. The family members took naps, read books, and ate meals together. At one point a friend exclaimed to the teacher “Please be quiet! The baby is sleeping!” F.1.1 Pretend to read a book. F.1.42 Pretend to do something or be someone else.

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Tami and Charles were busy this weekend building and instalMG 8304ling a new art easel and area for the Wee Wee’s! They added two small gates that will help the Wee and Wee Wee Friends (and teachers!) take care of each other. She also added stepping logs to the slide area! 

MG 8302Enjoy your day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations Monday 4.18.11

  1. I always enjoy learning what the children are doing. The inventiveness of the teachers amazes me. What great imaginations!

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