WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 4.19.11

MG 8307

In anticipation of the Easter Holiday, we created a new Big & Small Chicks game for the children. We added, subtracted, discussed big and small and chanted “pick-a-chick” discovering a new tongue twister! The fuzzy little chicks are soft, cuddly, and irresistible! F.2.4 Identify and use the concepts of “one more” and “one less.” F.3.6 Identify attributes of objects. F.3.7 Give reason of placement of objects. F.3.12 Apply one to one correspondence with objects and people. F.2.11 Describe addition situations for numbers less than five.                                                                                                                                      
While the big kids were swimming, our younger friends painted tissue butterflies with water color.

Today for our nap time story the younger children enjoyed the story, Splish Splash Spring, by Jan Carr. It is a great book that builds phonetic awareness with it’s wonderful rhyming and rhythm. The kids clapped along to keep the beat of the story. F.1.23 Clap out syllables in word songs F.1.43 Use new vocabulary learned from experiences. F.3.2 Actively look for or keep attending to things that an adult points to, shows, or talks about. F.3.3 Watch and listen to a story to completion or for ten minutes or more.

Several friends created complex structures out of wooden blocks.

MG 8306

Have a great day!