WWF Daily Exploration (Monday 4/18)

What a great start to the week!  We enjoyed some simple collaging of many different things today: tissue paper, shapes in all different sizes & colors, letters, cotton balls, and straws just to name a few.

When we engage in art activities, we always make your child aware of what they are doing and help them to reflect on their work. We use art for a time of vocabulary development, concept development (learning shapes, colors, big versus small) and problem solving (what goes first, what will we need).  Conversations also help children appreciate art.   We try to convey the following messages:  I am aware of what you are doing, I am interested in your efforts and in you, I will help you look closely at your own work, and I appreciate your growing confidence!

We had fun dancing today!  Due to winter weather this morning, we needed to burn off some energy inside.   Finn and Jonathon loved the fire truck song!  Our WWF can sure use their bodies to express their ideas, to respond to music,  and to convey their feelings.  Encouraging them to vary their responses to different musical phrases, helps them to learn about the body’s ability to move and they use time and space in many different ways!
Looking for different textures to explore for the infants in our house, we taped a big piece of bubble wrap to the floor. Olivia, Sloane and Pnei’el were very interested in the sounds it made and the feeling in their fingers and knees when they experimented with it.

For story time WWF’s read Bunny Days byao Nyeu.

Bunny Days
We also spent  some time outside this afternoon.  We are loving our “circle” for our wheeled toys!  They are really getting the hang of peddling!  These toys are great for building muscle strength while promoting balance and coordination!

Hats off to Tami, her husband, and children for working on our “WWF” gated area this weekend.  Check it our for yourselves, you will be amazed!  They also installed an outdoor art easel for us on the back of our house!


Have a great week, and we will have another update soon!




One thought on “WWF Daily Exploration (Monday 4/18)

  1. I love hearing about what you are doing with the children, and what they are learning from it. I think it shows great initiative and imagination on the part of the teachers to come up with all these ideas, too. What a difference between WWF and a babysitter who parks the children in front of a TV!

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