Wee Friends Daily Explorations Monday 4-25-11

A small group of friends began the day counting how many swipes it would take to make the hanging eggs fall! They charted their findings. F.1.3 Manipulate objects by throwing, catching large balls with two hands, striking, swinging, and pulling at a basic level.

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Several friends enjoyed creating art at the easel with bright colors. We measured, scooped and kneaded salt dough.

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Melinda taught a piano lesson explaining finger formation and middle C.

Another small group of kids learned a rainy day song: “What if the raindrops were lemon drops and gumdrops? Oh what a rain it would be!”. Using instruments we sang along exploring the musical dynamics loud/soft and smooth/choppy. We introduced two musical terms: staccato and legato. We discussed how our voices are also instruments. F.3.1 Play classroom instruments. F.3.2 Moderate movements to tempo (fast/slow) and dynamics (loud/soft) of music heard. F.3.3 Moderate vocalizations to tempo and dynamics of music.

We gathered many of our spring themed books and read a few looking for one to act out. After reading The Happy Hedgehog, the kids decided it would be the one. Several friends acted out the characters, remembering the content and story line to the extent of repeating exact words from the book. F.1.42 Pretend to do something or be someone. F.1.43 Use new vocabulary.
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Have a terrific day.