WF Farm, Monday 5.2.11


The older children had a great morning at Prairie Winds Farm. We started our trip by helping Ms. Charlotte water her garden starts and pot some plants that had been transplanted.

When that was done, Ms. Charlotte asked us to help thin out a bunch of overgrown Day Lily plants by the house. We were able to dig up and take 4 large boxes of Day Lilies to add by the slide and the upper bicycle ring at our WF playground!

While doing the gardening, the kids worked cooperatively at digging, sorting plants from weeds, and investigating the many different earth worms. F.1.8 Engage in a scientific experiment with a peer or with small groups of children using sharing/turn taking skills. F.4.2 Identify attributes or characteristics for comparison. F.4.3 Classify objects by an attribute (characteristic) and share their thinking with another. F.4.4 Participate in discussions related to their findings.

After our gardening, we took the WF scraps back and fed the pigs.  Then we helped move the chicken coops to fresh pasture, and fed and watered the chickens.

After our work was done, we were able to meet the two new 4 day old baby goats.  Everyone enjoyed cuddling them!  Probably the highlight (as you can see from the expressions in the picture below!) was when an adult goat went pooh in front of the children.  With this group of mostly 4 year old children, potty processes and humor is a hot topic.  Hmmm, I wonder how we can tie this into our Life Lesson series on WF potty habits???

We also carefully observed both the baby goats and the cow with her calf nursing and had a discussion about the milk that is produced for the babies.  F.1.9 Ask and answer questions about the world. F.3.9 Observe and explore a variety of live plants and animals.

The next thing we did was take a walk through the prairie and woods.  We stopped along the way to notice and identify blooming flowers, evidence of woodpeckers, crawdad mud houses, and insects.

We took about 20 minutes and the children swung on vines, roamed the wooded area and added sticks to child built wood “houses”.  On the way back to the barn, the children took turns riding the 3 horses on a brief trail ride.

Finally, to end our day, I helped Ms. Charlotte apply first aid to a wounded turkey.  We discussed the wound and I applied an antiseptic spray while Ms. Charlotte held the turkey.  Afterword, the kids had a rare chance to pet and carefully examine the turkey up close.  Turkeys are generally not tame, but this one has become accustomed to being held because of his injury.

All in all, I couldn’t be more grateful for this NON-rainy Monday and the chance to enjoy our farm this week!

2 thoughts on “WF Farm, Monday 5.2.11

  1. That picture of the boys and the goat is just priceless. I can just imagine what they are saying! Thank you for that good laugh!

    • Yes, Amy, it was hysterical! If you check out the flickr photos, you’ll see that the audience grew too.

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