WF Daily Explorations Wednesday May 4

MG 8880

Count down to Mother’s Day!

The older Wee Friends had a chance, this morning, to create three dimensional art with salt, chalk and a jelly jar! MG 8884At the risk of giving the surprise away-here are a few pictures of their work! F.5.2 Follow steps in a simple routine. F.6.19 See a task through to completion. F.4.2 Identify attributes or characteristics for comparison (e.g., color, size, gender, shape).

“Look at my Ouchie!!!!

Our exploration of ouchies continued today with our toddlers! We started with the question: “Does anyone have a new ouchie to share?” We examined cotton balls and Q-Tips and talked about where friends have seen them and what they are used for. Using pretend medicine (kid friendly lotion) we used the cotton balls and Q-Tips to apply medicine to our ouchies. Some friends were very eager to help others, others wanted to tend to themselves only and, ok….some friends just wanted a pedicure/manicure using the Q-Tip. It led to a conversation about the ways in which we take care of one another. We then moved to the art table and used the cotton balls and Q-Tips to create art with tempera paints. F.4.2 Role play different types of occupations. F.5.9 Use interpersonal skills of sharing and taking turns in interactions with others.

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We sang and acted out “Five Little Monkeys” and friends loved falling down and getting pretend hurt!

The second day of our new mealtime routine went very well with a few older kids reminding teachers “Hey-Addi is my buddy!”, reminding us that he/she was supposed to serve the food. We ate chicken and rice, green peas and apple slices.

Tami has moved our plastic basketball hoop outdoors to support our goal of making our playground a rich environment for play and exercise. She also added medium sized plastic balls which have generated lots of excitement! F.1.3 Manipulate objects by throwing, catching large balls with two hands, striking, swinging, and pulling at a basic level. (e.g., throws an object at a target with an overhand motion and trunk rotation, throws something upward and catches it, and jumps over a stationary object).

Have a great day!