WF Daily Explorations Friday May 6

This morning Amanda from Paths to Quality came to Wee Friends for the annual rating visit. We are currently categorized Level Four (the highest rating) and after this mornings visit, Amanda recommended that Wee Friends remain Level Four. We are pleased!

MG 9011

Today Tami introduced nurse/doctor robes, ace bandages, MG 90292 used thermometers, a doctor’s kit and a variety of band aids into housekeeping. There was a small (shifting) group of friends exploring and playing with the new materials for most of the morning. Using masking tape and a bathroom scale, we measured and weighed everyone recording our findings on the tape.

We also examined and charted eye color today.

Our friends are really enjoying the basketball hoop and new outside additions, not to mention THE SUN!!!!!!!!!

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We are making headway with our potty andMG 9027 hand washing procedures. Gentle reminders are helping friends remember the steps. We will continue working on this Beginning the Basics activity next week.

As we end the week, Wee Friends and teachers are excited that the new lunch time routine is settling in naturally. It has created a more peaceful meal time environment and older friends are experiencing a sense of empowerment when helping their younger friends along.

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MG 9026

Today’s lunch was whole wheat pizza with ham and cheese, bananas and fresh snap peas/carrots.

Have a fantastic, restful weekend!