WF Daily Explorations (and Farm for 3 yr olds), May 9, 2011

FARM DAY for the 3 Year Olds (and Taylor, my helper)!

Wow! We could not have had better weather for our farm trip this morning.  We had warmth, sunshine, and a nice breeze.   While at the farm this morning, the three year olds were able to experience:

Caring for the chickens:  we found new feeding dishes for the grain since the caged chickens kept knocking their grain container over.  We also replenished their water and found some time to snuggle with the chickens.

We picked dandelions.  And picked more dandelions.  And more dandelions.  This time of the year, the ground is covered in them!  The children made huge bouquets.

We took a nature walk that had us examining:  a blue hatched bird’s egg, ant hills, beetles, lady bugs, flowers, a slug, centipedes, mushrooms, & fallen branches.

We held the week old baby goats.  Goodness they are sweet!

We took a nice pony ride through the apple trees. 

While we were gone, Laurie and Melinda took the rest of the children for a walk to Potawatomi Park.  The children practiced street crossing safety, learned about “boundaries” (specifically of the playground), and talked at length about shadows.  Other highlights:  the new Band-Aid matching game and an exciting spontaneous science lesson in our outside sandbox examining the absorption of rain water with sand.  (Sorry, no pics of WF since I had the camera at the farm!)