WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 5.10.11

oops!! we realized today that our post was left “unpublished” in the blog. Nevertheless, here it is!!

Happy Tuesday. We started the day with a pretend picnic. The children filled their baskets with all kinds of food and drinks for Miss Lisa. They are really using their imaginations. It is so great to see them blossom.

We had a great morning outside. Our new playhouse continues to be exciting, and some of our friends were playing house by preparing meals and eating. We also did the ¨Hokey Pokey¨ and some dancing around the big circle. We are really motoring along on the tricycles. Some of our wee ones enjoyed going down the slide hand-in-hand today Our non-walkers are enjoying outside time as much as our older ones, and seem to be pushing the shopping carts around quite well. The highlight of the morning was our new basketball hoop that is just our size. We are pretty good at picking the balls and shooting for the basket. We filled buckets with water and used big paint brushes to paint the entire yard. We were soaked, but had a great time while doing so. It was a fun-filled, learning morning.

After lunch, we are doing a great job with carrying our plates to the trash to empty them off, and handing them to a teacher. We are really good at washing our hands by ourselves before and after meal and snack times.

We read more books on picnics prior to our nap time. We are so good about getting out our individual rugs, listening intently, and rolling them up when we are done.

Lisa, Marty and Paulina