WF Daily Explorations, Thursday, May 12

Tumbling Day for WF!

While the 2 groups were out at tumbling, the WFer’s stayed busy playing games with Melinda, playing with shaving cream, and choosing other self initiated play. 

The shaving cream activity was well recieved by all of the children!  The kids used paint brushes and plastic pieces to create textures and patterns on their tray. F.1.5 Use the five senses (touching, smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting) to investigate the environment and to gather information. F.2.10 Participate in activities using materials with a variety of shapes and patterns. F.3.2 Investigate and talk about the characteristics of matter (e.g., liquids and solids, smooth and rough, bend-not bend).F.2.9 Use different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning.

Several other interest areas stayed busy all morning.  The housekeeping area was a busy whirl all morning and the workshop had children pounding and creating too.  Thankfully, the rain storm was shortlived and we were able to play outside at our normal time!