WWF & WF 2yr olds Farm Trip, Monday 5.16.11


Our Farm trip was simply fantastic!

The weather was perfect and the children got a good pick to what Charlotte’s farm is. First we saw, touched and held chickens and fresh eggs. After that we came inside the barn to see the horses from very close and feed, pet and brush the goats. We also saw and held beautiful soft baby goats! Some children took turns riding on the pony as we walked to the woods.

In the woods we were able get off the path and walk into an area where older children have built houses using old tree branches, we saw beautiful native plants and flowers and listened to the bird’s songs.

We came back at around 11:15 just in time for our lunch and nap. Today’s lunch menu included ricotta ravioli and tomato sauce, corn and cantaloupe.

It was a wonderful adventure and we would like to thank to all the parents who came with us for the extra hands and enthusiasm.

Have a wonderful day!

Paulina, Marty and Tami.

P.S: Check out Flickr  http://www.flickr.com/photos/weefriends/sets/72157626735209666/ (or the photos section on the blog) to view the pictures from today.