WF Daily Explorations Tuesday May 17

Tuesday May 17

Today began with an anatomy game/song! We created a large cube (dice) taping pictures of different body parts on it. We rolled the dice and when we landed on a body part, we sang:

“Eye, Eye, it’s the picture I see,

If you have an eye than blink with me!

Stand up, blink up and down,

And when you’re through blinking,

Sit back down.”

After interest in the song waned, we switched the game to identifying the letter that the body part started with (ex: What picture is this? SPINE! What letter does SPINE start with?”) MG 9361

After the swimmers left for the Y, younger friends continued exploring the caterpillars, putting them into a plastic tub and returning them to the wild. 🙂

Three older friends helped Amy Crosson plant vegetables. Yesterday, Amy brought in rhubarb bread made from the rhubarb on our playground! Thank you Amy!!

Friends trimmed the grass growing in plastic cups. They created art with the cut grass using white paper and glue.

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Enjoy this day!