WF Daily Explorations Wednesday May 18

Wednesday May 18

A small group of friends began the day singing a new song “Super Manners” (sung to the tune of “I’m a Little Tea Pot”):

I have Super Manners, yes I do!

I can say “please” and “thank you”!

When I’m with my friends I listen and share,

That’s the way I show I care!

We played a few rounds of our Body Part dice game, exploring and talking/singing about different body parts.

At the art table, we made individual thumb and finger prints, using a stamp pad. We talked about how our skin had unique lines and textures, but mostly just enjoyed getting purple ink all over our hands! F.3.7 Make patterns on their own.

Another read aloud of Dr. Meow’s Big Emergency led to an interest in hospital ID bracelets. Using masking tape, we created our own. F.1.39 Talk about action pictures of family, pets, or self.

MG 9374 F.2.1 Identify a favorite story. F.3.16 Describe features of familiar places (e.g., buildings, stores).

Melinda led an science/art experiment: “What happens when you draw with chalk on wet and dry paper? Furthermore, what will happen when you paint over your chalk sketch with water?” Friends examined how chalk color changed as they created and how the chalk felt different drawing on wet and dry paper. F.1.8 Engage in a scientific experiment with a peer or with small groups of children using sharing/turn taking skills.

We resurrected a Wee Friends Favorite song “Mind Your Manners”, singing, dancing and stretching our bodies. We ended our Creative Music time with a music meditation, talking about how fast our heart was beating and how to breath deeply to slow it down as we relaxed our bodies. F.2.5 Hum or sing along to tune playing on radio, tape/CD player, or television.

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Today for lunch, we served rice with chicken and corn, pears and salad.

Have a great day!