WF Daily Explorations Monday May 23

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On two occasions today, unprompted by the teachers, large groups of friends gathered together first for a game and then for a more complex task of scissor cutting. They played, worked cooperatively, and laughed and conversed all the while. A few younger friends enjoyed shaking, rolling and studying plastic tubes, filled with different liquids.

MG 9407Wee Friends gobbled up the delicious birthday snack Taylor brought last week: bananas on a stick, dipped in strawberry yogurt and rolled in graham crackers-then frozen!!!!!!! Thank you Taylor!

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Waiting to load up and head to the Farm.

Kid Quotes:

When asked “What has been the best part of your day?”  here’s how your children responded:

Jane: “Helping Addi (her lunch buddy) and I like to be in the front for naptime.”

Jacob: “I was at the Farm with Tami and I was doing fishing.”

Alexandra: “I like my mommy and candy.”

Kai: “Catching a crayfish-it was a baby.”

Addi: “I like Kai and Jane and Annie.”

Taylor: “My best part was catching a baby fish.”

Simon: “Going outside!”

Owen: “Fishing!”

Isaac: “Going to the Farm.”

Macy: “I like my mommy.”

Oliver: “Stepping in mud puddles at the Farm.”

Check the blog later today for today’s farm adventures!

For lunch we served whole wheat pasta with tuna, pears and carrots/cucumbers.

Have a great day!