WWF Daily Explorations, Friday 5.27.11

Happy Friday! It is the end of another adventurous week at WeeWee Friends. This morning we did some water play and worked diligently on our matching cards. We had some outside time, then indoors for our infamous “Pizza Friday.” We also had some green beans and pineapple. This afternoon we spent time reading a book called “No Biting!” We also looked at a picture book about biting, pulling, pushing and kicking, and the responses we can give one of our friend’s if this happens to them. They were all really involved, and do believe this was, and will continue to be a great learning tool. Please let me know if you might find some of these resources helpful to you at home. Please join us in welcoming our new little wee-one on Tuesday! More information will be posted on our Message Board then. May your weekend be filled with lots of smiles, hugs and love! Regards, Lisa, Amy and Marty

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