WWF Daily Explorations, 6.2.11





Anticipating clouds and a dark sky this afternoon, we had some outside exploration time first thing this morning. Cupcake tins were filled with sand and baked in an imaginary oven. Examining our garden was also on our agenda. It appears that some rabbits are enjoying our crop, so thanks to Finn’s mom, the children sprayed the plants with water, then sprinkled some cayenne pepper on them to keep the rabbits away.

We had tortillas with cream cheese and carrots for lunch with a mixed vegetable medley and pineapple. We have continued to work with the children on their responses to biting, kicking, hair pulling and pushing. This afternoon we will make a banner and decorate it with markers, crayons, and gluing on array of things!
Just a reminder that with the hot summer days upon us, extra clothing is a big help. Please be sure you provide us with several changes of clothing for them.

Have a wonderful day!

Regards, Lisa, Amy, Marty and Paulina


– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

3 thoughts on “WWF Daily Explorations, 6.2.11

  1. Is Finn playing hard to get with Alma??? Very cute picture- thanks. Hope the rabbits learn quickly that cayenne is NOT yummy.

  2. Ask Paulina the details, as she caught these photos, but I believe Alma was trying to give kisses and hugs to Finn and he wasn’t really having any of it. Or he was a bit oblivious! It was hilarious!

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