WWF Daily Explorations, 6.8.11

Happy Wednesday! Our day started with lots of excitement. Miss Marty was reading the children about a firetruck, when we got word that there was one down the street. The fireman was so nice to the children, and even let them sit in the seat! Elizabeth took control of the wheel, and was ready to respond to the next call!
Some of the older kids did venture out with Miss Amy for a short time. We did a peg activity and played with our farm animals. It was a great day to be sitting on our rugs listening to stories. Miss Lisa read us several about animals.
We had scramled eggs, toast, peas, and oranges for lunch. Just a reminder that with the hot temperatures, water play is a must, so please be sure to provide us with several extra summer clothing items. Keep cool! Regards, Lisa, Amy, Paulina and Marty

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