WF Daily Explorations, 7-11-11

Welcome Back!

It was an exciting morning with stories of vacations and the reuniting of friends. The brief thunder storm added a little extra excitement! However, Wee Frienders looked at the storm scientifically, with discussions about the wind/rain intensity and movement. We stood at the open door and felt the rain blow into the house and were amazed by its power! There was also a discussion comparing and contrasting the sound of thunder vs fireworks. Owen summed up this up with, “Fireworks have a big boom. Thunder doesn’t. It just has a big rumble.”


Other morning activities included:

*Playing in the moon sand. We have added moon sand tools and doll house people to spur the kids imaginations!

*Many friends easel painted. Many made popsicle stick sculptures.

026*Several friends played in hopscotch for an extended time navigating the dynamics of the dog/cat community they created.

For lunch we had whole wheat rotini with chicken, watermelon and broccoli.