WWF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 7.12.11

Oh, the warmth of the summer sun! A special thank you to those of you who brought in a swimsuit. For those of you who did not as of yet please do so. We had fun using our big paintbrushes in water buckets this morning. We painted everything possible. We also played in the beachball sprinkler and colored with chalk.

We harvested lettuce, green beans and snap peas from our garden. We had hummus on wholewheat bread with fresh cucumber, our snap peas, and cantaloupe for lunch. After lunch we dressed up in our costumes and used our imaginations. What fun.

Just a reminder that pick up time tends to be hectic and sensitive. Please feel free to discuss things with the teacher’s at drop off to find the best strategy for a calm and smooth good bye.

A special thank you to all of our volunteer gardners. We are sure enjoying it.

Make it a great day!

Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy