WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 7.12.11

002Yesterday, Miss Laurie led a discussion with the children about, “What is Family?”. We are exploring whether this topic has the potential to become our next study. We have a stack of library books (thanks Grandma Carol) to investigate on family and we’ll see where we go from here!

Simon and Oliver brought a really neat story from home (Perfect Square) to share with their friends. This quickly became a large group story time as the story enticed most of the children over. After the story, the children represented their own perfect squares in the art room by creating their own collages.





















Outside time included lots of water play and some very complex sand and water creations.































For lunch we had: toasted whole wheat bread (with cream cheese, shredded carrots and co-jack cheese), fresh fruit salad, and roasted potatoes and green beans (from our garden!).

041Don’t forget to make sure your child has a swimsuit at WF!

Have a great day!