WF Daily Explorations, Wednesday 7.13.11

What a beautiful day! We have opened the windows and are enjoying the cool, refreshing breeze blowing through our classroom.


This morning, most of the children spent a large amount of time using liquid water colors to paint themselves, family members and a variety of warriors & princesses.


In other parts of the classroom, children were found in housekeeping playing doctor, in the truck room making magnatile structures and making an advance highway system with raised roads, and in the science room exploring the moon sand. There was also a lot of dancing to a variety of soft CD music. Friends paired off and communicated to one another who was supposed to twirl and who was supposed to hold. It was lovely, creative, and the children remained in control of their bodies the entire time.



For lunch we had brown rice with red beans, cantaloupe & watermelon, and green peas.


Take time to enjoy the sunshine today!