WWF Daily Explorations, Thursday 7.14.11

Good afternoon!

Today WWF begun their day painting. We used the colors purple and orange to reinforce color names and and the exploration of color mixing. We used rollers, tongue depressors and fingers as painting tools. Children came up with their own ways of using these tools creating lots of different textures on their papers.



Outside WWF spent time watering the garden, riding their bikes, playing in the sandbox and comparing their bellies!! 🙂

For lunch they had fresh green beans from our garden, cheese and tuna quesadillas and bananas.

Today’s story time was special!!! Chris, Marty’s husband, was here and read several stories to the children. They enjoyed his company and gentle but fun reading style.

Miss Lisa is still out, we miss her! and would like to thank Chris and Brianna for their wonderful help yesterday and today.

Have a wonderful day!!!

Paulina, Marty, Lisa and Amy.





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