WF Daily Explorations Friday July 15

Happy Friday!

This morning we started our day asking the question “How many people are in your family?” Several friends charted their answers with check marks. We then played a felt board math game “How Many Feet Are in the Bed?” asking friends to add up how many feet would be in the bed if all their family members were all tucked in!


Miss Charlotte delivered 13 dozen eggs this morning! Don’t forget they are always for sale! Wee Friends created an assembly line system and helped her put them in the fridge.

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We learned the song “We Are Family” and used instruments to practice a 4 count rhythm.

“We are Family! 2-3-4- I’ve got all my Wee Friends with me!”


Before rest time, Melinda read Dad and Pop, discussing who dads and pops are and their roles in the family. 018


For lunch we served Miss Charlotte’s farm fresh eggs, scrambled, watermelon, green beans and toasted whole wheat pita. Some comments we heard about the eggs were:

“Miss Charlotte’s chickens sure know how to make good eggs!”

“Those potatoes are really good!”

“These eggs are crazy good!”

For snack, we’ve planned blueberry muffins with fresh blueberries! Thanks Alexandra G.!

Have a great weekend!