WWF Daily Explorations, 7.18.11

Happy Monday to all!

This morning Miss Lisa read, “I’m a little teapot.” After reading it, we acted out the book, then had a pretend tea party. Some of our girls even wore party dresses for this event. We then sang one of our favorites, “We all sing with the same voice,”” and danced to the CD.
After major sunscreen applications, it was time to turn on the beachball sprinkler. Today we incorporated learning colors while doing this. We also acted like flowers, growing as we got wet. This is helping to learn how our harvest grows. Sydney and Sloane watered our flowers today. Some children worked with letter puzzles and tempera painting while inside. Miss Marty offered pony tails to the children who wanted to get their hair done today. Little babies were kept inside this morning due to the excessive heat.

For lunch we had whole wheat pasta and fruit salad. Yes, you read that correctly! The kids loved it. We also had yogurt and corn.

Make it a great day! Regards, Lisa, Paulina, Marty and Amy