WF Daily Explorations Tuesday July 26

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Today Melinda led a science experiment about absorption. She gathered several objects with varying degrees of density and porosity. Using blue paint, friends used a dropper to determine which objects absorbed the paint and which didn’t.

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010To the tune of “Kookaburra”, we sang

“Stephen sits under the Wee Friend’s Tree,

Merry, Merry Wee-ee Friend is he!

Dance, Stephen! Dance, Stephen!

Gay your life must be!”

Many friends enjoyed sitting, hopping, clapping and twirling under the WF Family Tree!

We continued creating music singing a rhythm game that incorporated 3/4 and 4/4 time but using friend’s family names instead of numbers: “Kai, Dylan, Mom and Dad” or “Mom, Dad, Addi”.

We ended creative music time with “The Ants Go Marching” hiding under the table “to get out of the rain, boom, boom, boom!!” 017 028

066 For lunch we served a cucumber from our garden, strawberries/granny smith apples and whole wheat pasta with chicken and marinara.

Oh Yes! We did start the morning with push ups!001 002



Have a great day!