WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday Aug 2

Today was a busy morning with our small crew of children! (We still have several families out on vacation.) Melinda is off today to be at the hospital with her pregnant daughter, Amy. We are excited for Mel to welcome a new grand-daughter into her family!!!

Yonatan and Kai both brought in their family leaves to share with friends. It was a lovely time looking at pictures and learning more about their families. Thanks for staying Atalia and Crystal to share this with us!



Sewing remains a popular choice with several of our friends. The older children continue to sew projects on material. Since several of our younger children have expressed an interest in sewing, we worked with them on sewing with blunt needles on paper. We saw a lot of concentration as they worked their needles through the paper and excitement as their thread designs took shape.



Has anyone noticed all the A’s in our classroom? At one point, Arleigh, Addi, Alma, Ada, & Alexandra were all working with the number pegs together. It was a bit of a tongue twister to help the girls! We miss our other “A”, Annie, who is out on vacation, but are concerned about adding to the already difficult time we are having getting the right name out:)


Later in the morning several friends took turns cooperatively creating their own music at the piano. They played, sang, and pretended to read the piano music. Later, Tami played some relaxing instrumental music and led a large group of children in yoga. They enjoyed the variety of stretches and used their leaf mats to help them find the correct positions. We followed this time with creative movement to some Charleston style music.


We did go outside today, but stayed cool by adding water play to the sandbox and by using the water table. Tomorrow the forecast promises a cool down…

Today for lunch we had: chicken/apple salad on whole wheat buns, fresh sweet pea pods, and bananas. For snack Kai brought in a special birthday treat of frozen yogurt and frozen blueberries.092