WF Daily Explorations, Thursday 8-4-11

This morning three friends entered into an argument while playing a board game when they discovered they had been drawing too many cards at each turn. Two friends wanted to restart the game to play by the rules. The third friend (who was near winning) did NOT want to start over. Miss Laurie engaged in problem solving with these friends & realized the two differing opinions were strong and a resolution would be difficult to find. So Miss Laurie switched gears and entered into a small group discussion about being “flexible” or “stiff” in your ideas. To help them understand this vocabulary, Miss Laurie used the message board to record as the children searched around our classroom for items that were flexible and stiff.

Throughout the morning, children continued to search for items that were flexible and stiff. Even our younger children were drawn in and talked about this idea during play with items like our basket of animals .



To represent this idea in the art room, Miss Tami started a group “stiff” vs “flexible” 3D styrofoam sculpture. Every child became a part of the painting and sculpturing at different times throughout the morning. The end result of the collaboration is quite stunning and it is now hanging above the round table.







During the group art project, Miss Melinda stopped in for awhile and visited with her granddaughter Sophie (almost 2 years old). Melinda is enjoying her time this week with her family, but will be back with us tomorrow.

Outside time was delightful this morning with the cooler temperatures! Children enjoyed biking, sliding, climbing, chalking, flower collecting, and bug (a caught cicada and loose ants) examining.

For lunch we had cheese quesadillas on whole wheat tortillas, mixed fruit (pears, banana, pineapple) and fresh corn on the cob.







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