WF Daily Explorations Friday August 5

This morning we continued the fine motor exploration started earlier in the week: beading. Fine motor activities are important for toddler/pre-schoolers because they exercise/develop the muscles in the body that will eventually support your child’s ability to write, use utensils and other small objects, use a computer, turn pages in a book and fasten clothing.

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In this exploration, friends used large wooden beads and plastic stretchy string. Afterwards a few older friends created necklaces with smaller plastic beads. Other ways we support our friends developing fine motor muscles are: Play-Doh, using a paintbrush, sewing, lacing boards, scissor work, Trio Legos, Magna Tiles (other toys that require fine motor strength and dexterity) and stencils.










While our Family Study is coming to a natural close, we hope you and your Wee Friend will still create and share a leaf with us! We are planning on keeping our tree up as everyone has enjoyed hearing family stories and seeing all the pictures. The Family Tree has become a meeting place for friends to get to know each better through the pictures and stories.






For lunch we served whole wheat penne pasta with marinara, roasted zucchini (from our garden!) and grapes.




Have a terrific weekend!!!!