WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 8-9-11

It was a SWIMMING morning…


Our sensory table grabbed everyone’s attention this morning. We added 8 live goldfish for the children to catch with nets, hold, and examine. Some children were very timid at first, but everyone gained the confidence to touch or even hold the wiggly little fish. F.1.5 Use the five senses (touching, smelling, seeing, hearing, tasting) to investigate the environment and to gather information.
F.1.6 Use a variety of “scientific tools” (e.g., balance scales, magnifying glasses, measuring cups, food coloring) to investigate the environment and to gather information.
F.1.7 Use age appropriate scientific equipment (e.g., magnifying glasses, thermometer, scales) when participating in scientific experiences.
F.1.8 Engage in a scientific experiment with a peer or with small groups of children using sharing/turn taking skills.

Melinda draped a large sheet over our jungle gym.

Friends pretended it was a tent.

Inspired by the big sheet, other friends decided to create a bear cave in housekeeping. We found some instrumental music entitled “Grizzly Bear Cubs with their Mom after Breakfast” and created a WF Bear Family. A small group of friends hibernated in the winter, ate leaves and berries in the winter and swam and hunted for fish in the stream! We ended our experience reading We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. F.2.1 Participate freely in dramatic play activities that become more extended and complex.
F.2.2 Express self in dramatic play through story telling005, puppetry, and other language development activities.
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While waiting patiently for their turn to play with the REAL fish, a few friends drew pictures of fish. 

We have introduced two baskets of tracing letters: upper case and lower case. Many friends are enjoying tracing letters, particularly hunting for the letters in their name and putting them together. 003

F.6.2 Combine strokes and shapes to represent letters. F.6.3 Copy a vertical line.
F.6.4 Copy a horizontal line.


For lunch we served ham and turkey on whole 001wheat bread, roasted mashed sweet potato and fruit salad (strawberry/banana/mandarin oranges).


Enjoy your day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 8-9-11

  1. I loved this one!!! How fun…I miss everyone, especially all my little tiny kids I dont see anymore….I’m so glad to see the pictures. Looks like Macy has some left hand talent! Pls tell everyone I said hi and Cassie should be back soon. She is having a wonderful summer at her Dad’s house, cooking, baking and doing yard activities with Juliana. It seems her Dad has worked alot of overtime this summer. Everyone take care and we will see you soon!!

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