WWF Daily Explorations, 8.9.11

 What a beautiful day! We sure took advantage of the cooler temperatures and sunshine!

This morning a group of children worked on our new peg shape board. This was great way to have the children use their fine motor skills to match the shape on the correct pegs. It also helped them to learn various shapes and colors. It was interesting to see some of them parallel played with this, and while others chose to do it individually.

We listened to a song about airplanes. Some of the children worked in the kitchen on painting an airplane. We used an array of paint colors, along with brushes, our fingers, and some scouring pads with handles. Tomorrow we will work on gluing different shapes and textures on it. For those who opted not to paint, Marty read books to the children in054diviually, or in a group.








Our outside time today was spent on our bikes, playing in the sand, observing our garden, and taking a walk in the wagons, and stroller. We saw so many different beautiful flowers, and looked for circles. This group was on the ball! We would stop and observe something, then Finn would tell us, “It is time to move on!” We were lucky enough to see an airplane on our journey! Upon our return to WWF, we read two books outside.


For lunch today, we had some delicious turkey sandwiches on whole wheat buns, corn, and applesauce. We listened to a new airplane song, then settled down with two stories before nap.

A special thank you to Miss Amy for taking the time out of her busy schedule to stop by the library and pick us up some shape and airplane books. She also joined us on our walk today. In addition to Amy, Miss Tami also joined us as well. What a nice treat!

As Friday draws near, Marty’s daughter Bre, who has been helping us all summer, will be returning to her junior year at Mishawaka High School. She has been a real asset to our program, and her love, time, and dedication has not gone unnoticed. We will miss her!

This afternoon we will build another run way using our blocks, as well as having some outdoor exploration time.

Enjoy the afternoon!

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