WF Daily Explorations, Thursday 8-11-11

Today, initiated by Taylor, the children did another group “sticky” study. The children gathered at different times throughout the morning at one giant piece of paper and used a variety of sticky mediums on the paper. Ironically, Tami had a really difficult time getting the “sticky” study picture to stay stuck to the wall! However, it did finally get adhered to the wall in the science room so you may want “stick” around for a few minutes and take a look at pickup tonight.











418KUyA-OPLWe all sing with the same voice
The same song, the same voice
We all sing with the same voice
And we sing in harmony

We introduced a WeeWee favorite book with song CD this morning called, We All Sing with the Same Voice. It is a beautiful song about diversity. The children liked it so much that I will be purchasing a copy for our classroom since WWF uses their copy everyday.


118Outside the children spent some time picking (and sampling) more vegetables that they were harvesting from our garden. Several children also husked some corn for the WF lunch.

For lunch we had parmesan rice, corn on the cob and cantaloupe.