WWF Soaring to new heights!

This morning we started the day with our CD and book, “We all sing with the same voice.” It is a WWF favorite, and the children are learning about diversity, different parts of the world, yet how we are all the same. Finn knows the words by heart now, and is fabulous at leading us in song!

We read some more books about airplanes, and talked about boarding the plane, and boarding passes, as well as the air traffic controllers in the tower. It was a great day to take out some boxes from the basement, take them outside, and create some airplanes. We had a pilot, carry on bags (with no additional fees!), fastened our seat belts, and waited for the tower to tell us it was “all clear” for take off. We talked about gaining speed, and the wheels on the plane. Pretend snacks were served. One of the children said another plane was on fire. Fire fighter Finn to the rescue. Imaginations were running rampant. The children are quick to recite the words to our new songs about airplanes.


For lunch today we had a Caelan favorite in honor of his last day, pizza, pineapple, and fresh cucumber.


This afternoon we will make some airplanes and bid farewell to our little Caelan.

Please note that Tami has placed a payment box on the shelf near the cubbies. Please deposit all checks in it from this point foward.

Make it a great weekend!

2 thoughts on “WWF Soaring to new heights!

  1. Sounds like a great day for airplane adventures! We sure will miss Caelan (and family) though!!

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