WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 8-23-11

The first aim of the prepared environment is, as far as it is possible, to render the growing child independent of the adult. (Maria Montessori. The Secret of Childhood: Fides Publishers, 1966.)

This quote came to me this morning as I watched the Wee Frienders choose and work on activities independently and at their own pace. Our environment has been thoughtfully arranged to facilitate and maximize independent learning and exploration in all of the learning areas. It is really cool to reflect after a busy morning on just all the learning areas that have emerged in just a few hours. Oddly, the children manage to keep it all balanced every day!

Here’s just a few examples of some of what happened this morning:

Scientific and Mathematic Development


Several children participated in mixing their own sculpture dough. Some required help (from friends), while others have learned to do this alone. The sculpture dough requires fairly exact measuring to get the correct dough consistency. Today children brainstormed together how to “fix” the dough when it was too dry or too wet. They also discussed how many scoops were necessary to fill the measuring cup.


As a table activity, bears with stickers were set out with bear counters. Children gathered and matched the bears with the stickers. Also, they became creative and filled the bears with the counters to see how many could fit! Other children lined the bears up and counted them in rows.


Language, Literacy & Communication

Story after story, Melinda read to small groups of children. Ada had decided this morning that she wanted to learn about alligators, so Melinda got out the non fiction books and children were completely absorbed in learning and talking about the differences between crocodiles and alligators! 008


There was also a variety of games that encouraged cooperation and letter recognition this morning. Journals were done after lunch.


Creative Development


At several different times this morning, children participated in creative music and movement. Melinda facilitated a music instrument exploration and later she let the children through an organized bunny trot.


Sculpture dough designs were put on trays to dry and be painted later. Outside, sidewalk chalking and water and chalk painting at the easel were both some ways the children were creative in art.


Physical Development


Fine motor is often developed in ways that are unexpectedly effective. A few examples from this morning are: mixing the salt dough, kneading it, and forming objects out of it. Another way seen this morning was children using the play pliers to pick up the fuzzy balls. Finally, outside children were digging in the sand and scooping it. These types of fine motor work helps form the muscles needed for writing!


Personal & Social Development:


This morning shortly after Addi arrived at WF, she saw Nate. She announced, “Nate, I’m here!” Nate immediately came over and gave her a huge hug.


Taylor patiently helped Nate through the process of making his own sculpture dough. Children are learning as “big” kids helping, and the younger child is learning by being helped.

For lunch today: multigrain flat bread with cream cheese, fresh shredded zucchini (from our garden), and cantaloupe.


And here are just a few cute shots from outside this morning…