WF Daily Exploration Thursday Aug. 25

What a lovely creative flow Wee Friends experienced this morning!380

Friends gathered in the reading area to listen to Goldilocks by Janice Russell. We focused on and discussed the concepts of small, medium and large. Friends looked around the classroom and gathered together chairs that represented these three sizes. We gathered enough chairs for each friend to sit on and then introduced the game “Musical Chair”s. After a few rounds we identified who was in a large, medium or small chair. 269

To further explore the idea of small/medium/large, we added sound by plunking out, on the piano, large sounding low notes, medium sounding notes and bright sweet sounding high notes. Paulina took out her recorder set and played the sopranino, alto and tenor recorders. As she played, she taught friends the Spanish words: pequeno, mediano and grande.


Friends closed their eyes and identified which sound they were hearing.281

Two small groups emerged out of this exploration: one moved to the art table to paste small/medium/large squares onto construction paper and the other to the reading area to cut and create with felt. One friend made a bear mask, another a fairy tale with a fallen tree and a third, a two dimensional, multi material (felt and thread) work of art. 293 305 308


Our garden has produced so many tomatoes that we’ve decided to make a Wee Friends Marinara! Friends began the multi step process today by picking the stems off the tomatoes and putting them in to a large bowl. They each took a turn sprinkling the tomatoes with salt and pouring a bit of olive oil over them. With very clean hands, they mixed them up.312


340 Outside, Paulina placed various sized rocks (Spanish=rocas) in a bowl of water. Friends enjoyed exploring the textures, temperatures and weight of the stones. Later, during journal time, friends continued their rock study, writing and drawing images and impressions of their exploration.

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427For lunch we served slices of turkey with WF potatoes (mashed!) and apple slices.



Enjoy your day!