WF Farm! 8-30-11

What a beautiful day to experience the farm!  Since I am short on blog time, I will share many pictures (full set uploading to flickr as I write) and few words. 

We started our trip by reuniting with many of the animals:  the chickens, goats, cats, horses.  The children helped to mix the grain for the chickens & turkeys and feed them. 

On our walk through the woods we held a toad, a caterpillar and we had an up close look a variety of birds and a gazillion butterflies. The kids spent time in the woods looking under rotten logs for bugs, climbing on fallen trees, and exploring the log cabin.  While we walked through the prairie, we really noticed sounds: crickets, frogs, birds, &  wind through the tall flowers. 

At the end of our trip, Charlotte had each child learn about horse safety and they each had a turn using proper mounting technique to climb on Taffy and sit on her for a few minutes while she stood still.  What a treat for all of them! 

We brought back a gorgeous flower bouquet for our table and a caterpillar to see if he will make a cocoon for us.  (The caterpillar brought in last week by a Wee Friender hatched today into  a moth.)