WWF, Calgon, take us away!



The children had a great morning. The imaginary alarm sounded, and Finn, Max, and Marta put on their fire hats and jackets, and ran outside


to respond to the call. Finn found the “treasure” hidden in the sand. The boys then decided after their hard work, it was time to bake some muffins.

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Next, it was time for a sensory activity. The children loved the tub of water filled with bubbles. Some of them even climbed in and began cleaning themselves with the toothbrushes we had placed in the tubs for the children to wash rocks with to help build their fine motor skills. Others used our ball crates to make train cars. They are sure becoming very creative by exploring and using their imaginations. Finn collected the train tickets, and made the final call for “All aboard!”




Our little Wee one’s enjoyed their outside exploration time by walking and crawling around the yard exploring all of the different things to do. Different groups of children went on walks and they observed a train from a far. This opened up much dialogue, as you can well imagine.

For breakfast this morning, we had scrambled eggs, toast, and fresh fruit. Our lunch today was couscous with black beans, vegetable medley, and fruit salad. Our afternoon snack will consist of cheese and crackers.


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Ozzie really seemed to enjoy “The Wheels on the bus go round and round” with Miss Paulina.

Have a splendid day!