WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 9/13

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Annie, Jane, Kai and Macy went to swimming lessons this morning! Their system ( and all friends who leave the classroom for an activity) is to put their shoes on and find a spot in the kitchen to wait as Tami prepares for the journey.

At school there were many interesting conversations happening! MG 8383Melinda led a discussion on where all the housekeeping materials belong. Friends know they are responsible, after playing with a toy, to return it to it’s ‘home’. This on-going discussion enables Wee Friends enjoy the personal success of having followed the direction “please return the toy to it’s place when you are done playing with it.”

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 Kai, Ada, Annie and Jane were warning their friends about the ‘hot lava’ in hopscotch. The teacher asked “where is the hot lava?” On the red circle, of course! This sparked an interesting conversation about what the other colors in hopscotch may represent. Blue was, hands down, the cool ocean. Yellow was both a crawdad and a field of grass. Green was also a field of grass and a crab. These four friends expressed that red was fiery and hot while blue was cool and soft.

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 When Jane started singing we jumped into our new WF Anthem and before we knew it the room filled up with the WF chorus belting out their new song.



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 Owen and Umi spent a while in the science center together exploring The Visual Encyclopedia of Science. Owen shared his knowledge of ships with Umi, stopping for several minutes to study a special ship that retracts minerals from the ocean floor.


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 Umi took her shoes off and put them back on several times, mastering this fine motor exercise (and taking care of an ouchie!).



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When Melinda took Stephen and Owen outside to repair a bike wheel, ‘the girls’ gathered around the art table and created art with purple paper, pink paint. We dipped a straw into the paint and blew!

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Alma and a few other friends blew, while Addi and Arleigh also used the straw as a paintbrush.MG 8412








 When Addi requested that we read Sleeping Beauty, friends gathered and laid on the floor (just like SB) to listen to the book. After reading, we practiced bowing as princes and princesses. We took our exploration to the truck room and built castles.

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Outside Melinda set up ” Knock Down the Gourd with a Ball”!!

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For lunch we served melted cheese on whole wheat tortillas, peas and banana/pineapple fruit salad.

Have a terrific day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations Tuesday 9/13

  1. What a fun day you all had!!! So happy to see that Umi is working on putting those shoes on and off, I could use the help! 😉 Also, loved to Umi reading about boats with Owen!!! Thank you Ladies for the amazing work you do EVERYDAY day.

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