WF Daily Explorations, Wednesday 9.14.11


As soon as we arrived at the farm, we received a text from Charlotte to quickly go to the woods so we could see a very young hawk that was in the path. We were able to go within 3 feet of the beautiful young hawk and do a close examination of him.



The hawk was very nervous at first about having us so close, but the children did a fantastic job of staying quiet and still. Gradually we moved closer and closer and he relaxed his posture and his eyes and did not move away. He really watched us with curiosity!

In the same area of the hawk, there was an enormous spider web with a enormous spider eating fly. We watched the spider for a few minutes too.

Since we were already in the woods area, we took a walk through the prairie and woods first before visiting with the farm animals.



The first thing that really interested the kids on our walk were all of the nuts that were on the ground. We collected all different types of nuts. We also found a walnut in all of its stages: in the green outer shell, partially peeled, walnut shell, and nut open and eaten.


We found a tiny fuzzy caterpillar next. The children took turns holding (and dropping!) him. The little critter was quite resilient and crawled over every one’s hand.



As we walked the children noticed the plants and how the tops were dry. We began to collect an assortment of seed pods. We investigated how the felt, smelled, and watched how they moved in the wind. We also brought back an assortment of seeds to examine at Wee Friends.




Finally we were back to the barn. Since the children were so busy in the woods and prairie today, we had just a short time to help with a few chores and visit the animals.



Just a few more shots..





On a final farm note, our our 2 monarch caterpillars from last week made their chrysalis (one at WWF, one at WF). Also, the fuzzy brown caterpillar made his cocoon. Now to wait and watch!


For lunch today we had brown rice with pork, mixed vegetables and sliced granny smith apples.

The quote of the day: “Impossible is something that not even God or Santa can do.” Kai, age 5.

Have a great day!

One thought on “WF Daily Explorations, Wednesday 9.14.11

  1. beautiful pics of that hawk, Tami! And, of course, I love the Kai quote. I am so happy my kids get this farm experience throughout the year.

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