WWF Daily Explorations, 9.11.4

This morning lots of different activities took place. Friends explored colored pasta scooping into varied kinds of cups, jars and bowls. They also learned how using a big a tongue depressor they could scrape off the excess of pasta on their bowls and make it nice and flat.


Some of them decided to go all the way in! and feel the pasta on their legs and feet. While being inside the tub Marta decided it was a car and using the plastic rings they pretended go for rides. Paulina help them singing some riding and good bye songs.


Using markers and paper at the art easel Tami modeled writing names for our friends. It was interesting to see that some of them showed very porpuseful imitation at the moment of having their turn to write. You can appreciate this in a picture we took of their writing sample.




Ozzie, took some time to recharge and found a quiet place to play with the trains accompanied by miss Lisa.


Later we tried another tub but filled with Autumn leafs, the children enjoyed watching and feeling them dropping on their heads and bodies.


Eleanor requested to listen to our “We All go Traveling By” book several times today.


Some friends enjoyed touching and conversing with teachers about shells. They also were interested in noticing similar pairs of shells and taking them in and out of the basket.


For lunch today they had Brown rice and pork with peas and green apples.

Have a wonderful day!