WF Daily Explorations, Tuesday 9-20-11

Today we started our morning with paint: toes and water color pictures. Earlier this summer, Miss Melinda had promised the children that she would paint her toe nails sparkly purple at the end of the summer. True to her word she came to work yesterday with bright sparkly purple toes! Today she brought the nail polish and had some time with each willing child to paint their nails purple.


While Melinda was painting toes and fingers, six children at a time gathered at the art table for some water color painting. We talked about the proper technique to get the most color from the water color trays and how to control the paint on the paint brushes. Children also worked at writing their name on their paint pictures.



This morning was also YMCA swim lessons for the older children. This meant we had our maiden voyage in the Weehicle. It was a great adventure for the children to ride in the BIG new van!



While at swim today, Kai had an exceptionaKailly great swim day and met a few new swimming milestones: he dove 5 feet deep into the water to retrieve a diving ring (multiple times) AND he did a perfect form jump dive off the side of the pool. Both amazing accomplishments for a just turned 5 year old!

Miss Laurie is still out sick today. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Reminder: Tomorrow is farm on the new revised farm schedule. This means we have Kai, Owen, Jane, Macy, Annie, Ada, Simon, Alma, and Arleigh schedule to go. Please remember to arrive no later than 9:15 dressed in layered clothes. The forecast is 71 degrees with a 30% chance of showers.

For lunch today we had whole wheat toast, egg/hash brown casserole and watermelon.

Enjoy your day!