WF Daily Explorations, 9.21.11

It’s already Wednesday!? Yes! time flies for our busy Wee Wees. This morning we took our usual walks and played outside. What a gorgeous fall day!

Ozzie was amused by the noises he could do while walking up and down our hill outside. He practiced this several times and invited teachers and friends to join him! so we did!


We had some time to paint and had a new artist joining the club. It was Pnei’el’s first time at the easel, and she was very intrigued by the effects of her strokes on the paper.




She has also been working hard at her newest most fun skill. WALKING!


PK is working on pulling himself up. He often scoots up to our feet and finds our legs to pull up and stand. He is also learning to move his body forward and get on his hands and feet in preparation for crawling.


Clara is working on following objects and people with eyes, for long periods as well as in eye-hand coordination. Her dimples go from here to next week! We love her continuous smile!


For the last couple of weeks we have noticed how Marta and Elizabeth have been interested in seating down to scan books and notebooks independently from their teachers. To follow this interest, this week we started offering their own journals and time to sit and explore pre-writing skills. While this age is too early for official journaling, we hope we are supporting the very begining of this skills and encourage them to build this wonderful habit into their lives.


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