WWF, “Quacking Up!”

Today we started talking about ducks. We read some books that Miss Amy brought in, and played with a rolling duck toy. The children really seemed to be interested in it. We also listened to “We all go traveling by” for Eleanor. We sang “Six Little Ducks.”





Max, Marta and Olivia enjoyed playing in the Dramatic Play Area. Sloane and Elizabeth joined in as well! They served up all types of dishes, set the table, and had a wonderful meal. It was nice to help the children count the dishes as they placed them on the table, as well as with the cups and serving their food portions.

Miss Amy made some homemade whipped cream for the children to play in. They enjoyed watching her mix it, then played in it at our kitchen table! What fun! It was time to use our fine motor skills and get out our banana slicer and slice up some bananas. Max and Marta did a great job with this, and passed them out so nicely to their friends.




The hill with our bikes was a “big ticket item” again today. The children are really enjoying riding their bikes down it.

Our breakfast today was Kix Cereal with bananas. Miss Tami prepared a delicious pita with cream cheese, Colby cheese, and sliced carrots. This was accompanied with fresh fall apples and avocado, and pea pods.

If you have not already done so, please let Tami know if you will be accompanying us to the farm via email.

Enjoy the beauty of our fall day! Make it a great weekend! We are looking forward to next week being a super week here at WWF!

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