WF Daily Friday 9/30/11

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 This morning, Kai, Macy and Annie continued studying the pictures/scenes in Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. As they read they identified “there’s Simon!” (the raven) or “there’s me!” (Kai, the prince). Annie found herself as Snow White and Macy recognized herself as Kai’s horse.

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Yesterday, many friends created beadwork. This interest continued this morning as friends gathered to create crowns, bracelets and necklaces.

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After more conversation about the characteristics of the seven dwarves, Nate found a dwarves cap and Heigh-Ho’d around the classroom!







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A few friends enjoyed an apple tree counting game. They rolled the dice and moved a poker chip from apple to apple ’til they made it to the apple in the center of the tree. They practiced counting dots on the dice and number recognition on the apples. They counted out loud as they moved around the board.

 There were lots of structures being created in the truck room this morning. Owen built a castle out of Magna-Tiles. Simon and Alma worked collaboratively to make a wrecking ship. Stephen made a sledge hammer out of Trios.

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Melinda led each Wee Friend through the multiple-direction process of making silly putty. Glue, water, food coloring, liquid starch, Borax and alot of elbow grease!!!

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Our older friends assisted our younger friends. They measured, counted tablespoons, poured, scooped, stirred and squished, identified colors to dye their putty, pulled apart and asked lots of questions!


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Melinda read The Apple Doll by Elisa Kleven. We demonstrated how to make an apple doll by peeling the skin, cutting out eyes and a mouth, sticking it onto a stick and dressing it. We extended this exercise into another science experiment by soaking the apple head (just like Susanna in the story) in a lemon bath to see if it will preserve the doll. We’ll take it out Monday and slowly dry it. Next week each Wee Friend will have a chance to make their own apple headed doll.

 We also read The True Tale of Johnny Appleseed by Margaret Hodges. We continued our conversation about the man, noticing many interesting things about Johnny from the fabulous illustrations. We got to talking about apple seeds and learned that they are poisonous! We collected the seeds from the apples we served at lunch and studied them. We learned that if you accidently eat one or two seeds from one or two apples it’s not a big deal. If you eat a whole backpack full then you would get very sick. Annie lent us her backpack for a visual demonstration of how many seeds it would take to get really sick. We imagined that Johnny Appleseed probably had a sack that full of seeds. But he didn’t eat them! 🙂

For lunch we served pita pocket pizzas, broccoli and apples!