WF/WWF CACFP Milk Guidelines Have Changed

Starting this week, I will be changing the milk I serve to children over 2 years of age to skim/1% rather than 2%.   Wee Friends is part of CACFP and they have changed our guidelines: 

 “Milk served in the CACFP must be consistent with the most recent version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The 2010 Dietary Guidelines recommend that persons over two years of age consume low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) fluid milk. Therefore, fluid milk served in CACFP to participants two years of age and older must be: fat-free or low-fat milk” (link to the USDA letter)

I will continue to buy whole milk for children under 2 years as this has remained unchanged.   I am required to follow the CACFP guidelines unless I have a doctor’s note on file with other directives. 

I will continue to buy organic milk for the children, even though that is not required as I personally believe that organic milk is worth the additional cost for our program. 

