Funny Story to Share….

Crystal, Kai’s mom shared this story over the weekend and gave me permission to share it with everyone.  Kai is a current WF kindergartener, all the other children are WF alumni.  I am listed as “Chase’s mom” in the story.

Crystal wrote, “I had Isaac and Honora spending the night last night and we all had a bowl of ice cream for dessert.  The kids started a hilarious conversation:

Kai:  I could probably eat 10 bowls of ice cream.

Honora:  Well, you could, but no parents are nice enough to let you do that.

Isaac:  I could eat 80 bowls of ice cream.

Honora:  But your parents aren’t nice enough to let you. 

Isaac:  Right, no parents are that nice.

Honora:  Well, except maybe Chase’s mom.  She’s really nice.

Dylan:  Yeah, that’s true.

Isaac:  Yeah, she is.

Kai:  (incredulous)  Tami?  No way, she’s mean.  She would never let you eat that much ice cream.

Honora and Dylan:  Well, but she IS nice.

Kai:  No, she’s really mean.  Tami is MEAN.  Except sometimes she is a little nice.

Honora: And she makes the best meatloaf.”


Really, this is what makes what I do so fabulous!!!!

Have a great night,


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